Stator.libPublic.DataPlugins Namespace

Stator | API Documentation
This is the namespace used to implement data plugin functionality
Each interface found in this namespace represents a piece of functionality (except IIsDataPlugin)

Public interfaceCode exampleIIsDataPlugin
Interface which identifies the assembly/file as a data plugin
If you implement this interface, Stator will identify the assembly as a valid data plugin
Public interfaceISupportCharting
Interface which implements charting data functionality for a data plugin
If you implement this interface the data plugin will support charting
Public interfaceISupportHistorical
Interface which implements historical data functionality for a data plugin
If you implement this interface the data plugin will support the retrieval of historical price data
Public interfaceISupportLatest
Interface which implements latest price functionality for a data plugin
If you implement this interface the data plugin will support the retrieval of latest price data