IPrice Interface

Stator | API Documentation
Interface used to store price data.

Namespace:  Stator.libPublic.DataPlugins.DataObjectInterfaces
Assembly:  libPublic (in libPublic.dll) Version: 4.0.2018.0 (4.0.18103)

public interface IPrice

The IPrice type exposes the following members.


Public propertyChange
The change in price between this period and the previous.
Public propertyClose
The closing price for the date/time price period.
Public propertyDateTime
The date/time for the price quote.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Error message for the price quote.
Public propertyHigh
The high price for the date/time price period.
Public propertyIdentifier
An identifier for the price quote.
Public propertyLow
The low price for the date/time price period.
Public propertyMisc
Any comments to add for the price quote.
Public propertyOpen
The opening price for the date/time price period.
Public propertyOpenInterest
The open interest for the date/time price period.
Public propertyVolume
The total volume for the date/time price period.
See Also
