IEstate Interface

Stator | API Documentation
Identifies an estate which can be imported into Stator.

Namespace:  Stator.libPublic.ImportPlugins.DataObjectInterfaces
Assembly:  libPublic (in libPublic.dll) Version: 4.0.2018.0 (4.0.18103)

public interface IEstate

The IEstate type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCreatedDateTime
The date the estate was created.
Public propertyCurrencyCode
The currency code for the estate (three letter ISO Code, i.e. AUD, USD).
Public propertyIsActive
Identifies the estate as being active or inactive.
Public propertyIsUnitised
Identifies the estate as being unitised.
Public propertyLastAccessDateTime
The date/time the estate was last accessed (viewed).
Public propertyName
The name for this estate, i.e. Heihachi Hayashida.
Public propertyPassword
The password for the estate (if applicable).
Public propertyPasswordEnabled
Identifies the estate as being password protected.
Public propertyUniqueIdentifier
Unique identifier for this estate.
Public propertyUnitisationAnchorDate
The anchor date the estate was first unitised.
Public propertyUnitisationAnchorPrice
The anchor price for the estate.
Public propertyUnitisationAnchorUnits
The number of anchor units for the estate.
i.e. the number of units in the estate as at the anchor date.
See Also
