Enumerations to be used when coding against the Stator.AFM API
SystemObject Stator.libPublic.ReferenceDataDictionaries
libPublic (in libPublic.dll) Version: 4.0.2018.0 (4.0.18103)
public static class Dictionaries
Public NotInheritable Class Dictionaries
public ref class Dictionaries abstract sealed
type Dictionaries = class end
The Dictionaries type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
  | BaseTypes |
Returns a dictionary of available base types Format = IDictionary of base type.
Key = enumeration of base type EnumerationsBaseType
Value = Tuple of base type display name (Item1) and base type identifier (Item2)
i.e. Australian Stock Exchange, X_AUS_ASX |
  | Currency |
Returns a dictionary of available currencies Format = IDictionary of currency.
Key = enumeration of currency EnumerationsCurrency
Value = Tuple of currency display name (Item1) and currency ISO code (Item2)
i.e. Australian Dollar, AUD |
  | MarketsInstrument |
Returns a dictionary of market trading instruments Format = IDictionary of instrument.
Key = enumeration of market instrument EnumerationsMarketsInstrument
Value = Tuple of instrument display name (Item1) and instrument ID (Item2) |